From time to time we write reviews of products or services – or just personally recommend something or someone to make your travels more delightful. Most of the time, we have no stake in the game.
However, we do sometimes consider offers to review products or services in exchange for a comped service or sponsorship. If that is the case, we always let our readers know with a disclaimer at the bottom of the post. We do not accept any offers that prohibit us from expressing our opinion about product or service. In other words, we will only provide a review if we can be honest.
Yes, we do both.
We try our best to ensure that ads and sponsored posts remain unobtrusive and do not interfere with readers’ enjoyment of this blog. We have a few ads on a side, but choose not to clog our blog with pop-ups or widgets. We also carry sponsored travel articles on a dedicated page.
Affiliate Links
We will only use affiliate links for products that we would recommend anyway.
What’s an affiliate link? An affiliate link works in the same way as commission – if you end up buying something through a link on our site then we get bonus credits or a referral fee. For example if you buy a particular guide book on Amazon that we linked to via text or a picture on House to Laos, we will get a small referral bonus in our Amazon account.
Is this an accepted practice? Many (if not most) sites use affiliate links and paid reviews. Far fewer are upfront about it.
Why should you click? When you buy a product that we recommend, you help us to keep this site going at no cost to you. It’s a win-win!
The Fine Print
First and foremost this blog is for us to keep a record of our adventures as we travel. It is also here so that our families, friends, and curious onlookers can see what we are up to, and where and what exactly we are doing. This blog is a repository of all the travel related research and advice that we have amassed and are happy to pass on to others to use as they like.
After considering how much time and effort we have put into this site, we made the decision to monetize the blog. This helps us to finance our travels and keep up the blog. But that is by no means the primary objective.
Interested in partnering or working with us in some way? We consider all offers that align with our travel approach: If it’s something that we like, or think we will like, or if it sounds like an adventure might come of it, and it might be useful to us or to our audience, then we’ll do it! We think one of the best parts of traveling is to go out on a limb and try new things. Contact us at info @ for more information!